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Übersetzungen für misjudge im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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misjudge [ˌmısˈdʒʌdʒ] VERB trans, intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The crash was officially ruled the result of poor judgement by the pilot in buzzing the bus and misjudging clearance of obstacles.
He was going well and appeared to be the only challenge to the favourite when he misjudged the second last fence and fell.
Misjudging the water's depth, he struck his head on the bottom.
Whilst warming down after his event, he was jumping on a trampoline and misjudged his landing and badly shattered his ankle.
The score has been criticised as anachronistic and misjudged, bizzarely intermittent and the most disappointing feature of the film.
Commencing a series of flick rolls, on his third roll, the ace misjudged his altitude and hit the ground heavily in a level attitude.
Trying to avoid the issue of representation and to focus solely on taxes, the king and his ministers had gravely misjudged the situation.
One night while gambling, she misjudged a play and suddenly owed a lot of money.
However, she was still misjudged and mistrusted, based on perceptions founded solely upon her relationship with her father.
In other words, he had misjudged the situation.

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