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Übersetzungen für moot point im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

That unemployment increased as predicted is a moot point; the relevant factor is whether the increase is more or less than expected.
Whether they have the inclination or ability to do so is a moot point.
The claim is made that they are not legally binding, a moot point, for why then are children warned their parents may lose tenancies?
The call for nationalization of major industries with just compensation was a moot point, given that 80 percent of the economy was already in the government's hands by 1976.
In the end this was a moot point as only around 1,000 paying spectators attended each concert, well short of the organisers' expectations, and the event ended up losing money.
Really a moot point as we do not know how history will unravel its self.
But it's a moot point when cannon fire is heard.
It remains a moot point whether we should be concerned about football transfer rumours.
This advantage, however, is a moot point as personal computers are widely available and more powerful.
So it's a moot point whether there's a real issue here.

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