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Übersetzungen für mortgagee im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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mortgagee [ˌmɔːgəˈdʒiː] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The new purchaser makes monthly payments to the seller, who is then responsible for making the payments to the underlying mortgagee(s).
For the remaining 70,000 they would rank behind the second mortgagee.
Treatment must be covered by a minimum 10-year insurance-backed guarantee, which is property specific and transferable to subsequent owners and any mortgagee in possession.
Then, the mortgagee, as judgment creditor, issues a writ of execution against the mortgaged property, instructing the sheriff to levy the execution immediately.
It follows, held the court, that the mortgagee has no preference above other concurrent creditors in respect of the free residue.
Similarly, when the debtor is declared insolvent, the mortgagee is to be regarded as a preferent creditor.
He may be owner in fee simple, a trespasser, a mortgagee in possession, an object of a charity or a service occupier....
However, in modern times, extinguishing the equity of redemption (and leaving the mortgagee with absolute title to the property) ordinarily requires a court order in most jurisdictions.
First, some privileged claims could have a higher ranking over that of mortgagee against the ship.
A finding otherwise would allow a mortgagee to recognize a tax loss without suffering a corresponding economic loss.

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