Englisch » Chinesisch
Meintest du vielleicht: fuselage , mirage , tutelage und cartilage

fuselage [ˈfjuːzılɑːʒ] SUBST

tutelage [ˈtjʊtılıdʒ] SUBST

mirage [ˈmırɑːʒ] SUBST

cartilage [ˈkɑːtılıdʒ] SUBST ANAT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

On contact with an insect, the peduncular glands release additional mucilage from special reservoir cells located at the base of their stalks.
If boiled under pressure it gives a very fine, smooth mucilage (not a solution proper), much thinner than if made in the cold.
Mucilage yield amounts to about 25% (by weight) of the total seed yield.
Afterwards the mucilage is washed off and the parchment coffee is partially dried for sale, retaining only 30% to 35% of the moisture content.
The insect struggles, triggering more glands and encasing itself in mucilage.
The insect will begin to struggle, triggering more glands and encasing itself in mucilage.
Mucilage in plants plays a role in the storage of water and food, seed germination, and thickening membranes.
The combination of expectorant saponins and emollient mucilage makes the plant particularly effective for cough.
The succulent mucilage is a particularly rich source of soluble fiber.
A 1.5% weight/volume ratio of psyllium mucilage exhibits binding properties that are superior to a 10% weight/volume ratio of starch mucilage.

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