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Übersetzungen für multiple im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . multiple [ˈmʌltıpl] ADJ

II . multiple [ˈmʌltıpl] SUBST MATH

multiple store SUBST mainly Brit

Beispielsätze für multiple

multiple personality
the lowest common multiple

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There are 6 villages, several of which occupy multiple muban.
Another example is, which means kinds, but the reduplicated form means multiple kinds.
These problems can be overcome when designing water supply systems for multiple uses.
With such a large spawning season, it is possible that there can be multiple clutches within one season.
One day he begins developing a tremendous skill: the ability to see multiple possible futures.
Due to his multiple personalities, he is also resistant to some psychic attacks and sometimes receives prophetic visions.
The team has been bought and sold multiple times and has even folded for a season.
Another interesting specific of the texts is that many of them have been written multiple times, for reasons that can only be guessed at.
Multiple solo attacks were attempted on the final climb, however none of these were successful.
In words with multiple yers, the weak variants were not limited to word-final position.

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