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Übersetzungen für narcotics im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . narcotic [nɑːˈkɒtık] ADJ

1. narcotic:

II . narcotic [nɑːˈkɒtık] SUBST

▶ narcotically ADV

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Twenty to 30 per cent of kids get access to narcotics in their own medicine cabinet.
The new hands seem to be trafficking in booze and narcotics under the guise of raising cattle.
From farmers to drug mules to street pushers, the trafficking of illegal narcotics relies on a wide pyramid of people.
The two agents grew suspicious, later stating that she appeared to have the characteristics of a person unlawfully transporting narcotics.
With the profit motive gone, no effort would be made to encourage its use by private dispensers of narcotics, and the drug peddler would disappear.
The police action is to combat the trafficking of narcotics in the slums surrounding the neighborhood, as well as militiamen in action.
Missions included counter-narcotics operations, aerial command and control, intratheater airlift, security assistance and defense of the Panama Canal.
In those optimistic early days, drug warriors actually believed that narcotics could be abolished if they arrested the top traffickers.
In terms of value transferred, the illegal trafficking of art ranks in black market activities second only to narcotics.
He voted to require testing for narcotics of those receiving unemployment compensation.

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