Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für neighbours im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Chinesisch » Englisch)

II . neighbour, neighbor Am [ˈneıbə] VERB trans

III . neighbour, neighbor Am [ˈneıbə] VERB intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He excited his neighbours to the national defence against the dangers of a threatened invasion.
Within each, the liberal use of white -- and its tone-on-tone paint chart neighbours -- was a common denominator which, spooling forward, flavours our own design output.
She said the first location was on a hairpin turn, but the second location makes her just as concerned about her neighbours' safety.
He has been described as compassionate, moral, sensitive and full of integrity; taking in waifs and strays and helping his neighbours whenever possible.
A green-eyed boy known for his wittiness among his relatives and neighbours, he slowly pulled down the glass and got out of the car through the window.
But when she receives a threatening anonymous letter, she is compelled to reconsider her previously-unconquerable belief in a kind world and good neighbours.
It had new conditions imposed on its licence, including training staff, no under-18s during licensable activities and signs asking customers to be considerate to neighbours.
Earth shelters also provide privacy from neighbours, as well as soundproofing.
Suddenly one morning, the compound would be flooded by tribal people who lived in the forests in total harmony with nature and their four-footed neighbours.
It's hard not to sympathise with a team that lives in the shadow of noisy neighbours on either side.

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