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Übersetzungen für no-parking im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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no-parking zone SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This is despite the fact that the roads are in the no-parking zone.
The sign shop staff also took care of painting the streets themselves, including bus stops, no-parking zones, and lane markings.
But when a vehicle that shouldn't be on the street occupies a no-parking zone for months, it seems unfair to locals who'd be ticketed in minutes for the same violation.
Leaving a vehicle in a no-parking zone can warrant a $40 fine.
There's a preposterous sequence involving a car in a no-parking zone, and it segues to a bank robbery and an escape, and it keeps building.
Most schools will also get no-parking zones on at least one side of the street, to improve safety.
It's tough to move a vehicle out of a no-parking zone when it can't be ticketed and is too big to be towed.
Then again, he was parked in a no-parking zone, outside a dry cleaner -- where his partner was probably picking up his illegal camouflage pants.
Sources in the police reveal that the offender had parked the vehicle on the no-parking zone when a sergeant clamped the car and left the spot.
We do not believe a disabled pass is intended for 24/7 parking privileges in a no-parking zone, for months or years, even if the plates are valid.

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