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Übersetzungen für novels im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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novel2 [ˈnɒvəl] SUBST

▶ novelistic [ˌnɒvəˈlıstık] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Since 1966 he had used more than 100 pseudonyms, written some 160 youth books, 36 film scripts, 170 paperback crime novels, and 200 booklet-novels.
He also demonstrates great bravery several times in the novels, though he dislikes fighting, and other characters often find him fierce and intimidating.
As in the tradition of adultery novels, the adulteress comes to a bad end.
He has published a number of short story collections and novels.
He wrote over 50 proletarian novels and short-stories, all of which carried vivid portrayals of working-class people.
Her novels are often praised for their sensuality.
Works that are honoured vary and have included poetry, short stories, novels, plays, folklore as well as scholarly and religious works.
It consists of five short story collections by various authors and two novels.
The text can be supplemented with other material from many sources including novels, other plays, poetry, music, non-fiction, or personal writings.
He is a writer who publishes literary novels under his own name and trashy romances under pen names.

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