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Übersetzungen für nth im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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nth [enθ] ADJ

1. nth MATH:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Naturally in the traditions of sf, these failings are exaggerated to the nth degree.
These were endlessly reprinted, redrawn, retitled, and pirated, with nearly illegible nth-generation copies circulating decades after the originals were first issued.
Bear himself said the novel could be fantasy or horror, but called it science fiction stretched to the nth degree.
Bear called it science fiction stretched to the nth degree.
With each repetition of each exercise, for the nth time, there is this something more that can be found in one's relationship to movement.
It is absurd nonsense to claim that the nth dimension is such-and-such.
Humans within the agricultural ecosystem are the nth degree consumers and are have the ability to make dietary decisions.

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