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Übersetzungen für omelette im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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omelette, omelet Am [ˈɒmlıt] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

When ratatouille is used as a filling for savory crpes or to fill an omelette, the pieces are sometimes cut smaller than in the illustration.
They can also be cooked like tripe or as omelette filling.
They can also be cooked like tripe or as omelette filling, and wood blewits also make good stewing mushrooms.
Breakfast is normally light and usually consists of sandwiches or an omelette, with a drink, often milk.
Depending on regional variation, a savory sauce may then be poured on top of the omelette for added taste.
There are vendors with little kerosene stoves making egg toastsan omelette on a lightly toasted sliced bread and serving them with a cup of tea.
With "omu" and "raisu" being contractions of the words omelette and rice, the name is an example of wasei-eigo.
She changes her hairstyle almost every day, is constantly trying out new (and questionable) omelette recipes, and loves nothing more than being in the spotlight.
As livermush's popularity has risen, it has appeared as an ingredient in dishes such as omelettes and pizzas.
The leaves are edible, stir-fried or in omelette.

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