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Übersetzungen für oozing im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . ooze [uːz] SUBST

Beispielsätze für oozing

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Adults have been recorded feeding on fermented sap oozing from debarked felled trees.
They include immediate and severe pain, oozing of blood from the fang punctures, considerable edema, epistaxis, bleeding of the gums, marked hematuria, general petechiae, shock, renal failure and local necrosis.
They are also unsuitable for oozing or potentially contaminated wounds.
He was known for his oozing guitar sound, wild stage antics, long hair with a skunk stripe over his eye, and acne scarred face.
It is often accompanied by oozing, scabbing, and scaling.
Later, he was shocked to see blood oozing out from it.
Symptoms of the rash include itching, inflammation, oozing, and in severe cases, a burning sensation.
He sees red blood come out of the cut, but in the mirror he sees the blood as oozing green goo.
But to complicate matters further, he noticed that the other eye of the linga has also started oozing blood.
The lump is removed and then pressure is applied on the incision to prevent oozing.

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