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Übersetzungen für ought im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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ought [ɔːt] VERB Aux [否定式缩写为oughtn't]

2. ought [表示可能性]:

You ought to be hungry now.

3. ought [表示愿望]:

You ought to read this book.

Beispielsätze für ought

You ought to be hungry now.

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Specifically, he has been concerned with how the government's monetary and fiscal instruments ought to respond to shocks over the business cycle.
He claims that the structure of communication itself demonstrates that normative and evaluative concerns can (and ought to) be resolved through rational procedures.
There ought to be no unreasonable technical, economic or other barriers to gain entry for a license.
He calls land speculation a gross misuse of the power of government which ought to be abolished by taxation, in order to create prosperity.
One man even suggested that the heretics ought to be burned at the stake, as in the old days.
I think we ought to be tolerant people.
In other words a positive balance of trade ought to be maintained via a surplus of exports, often backed by military might.
They ought to put a preservation order on him.
They use concepts such as morally ought, morally obligated, morally right, and so forth that are legalistic and require a legislator as the source of moral authority.
It consists of students who ought to serve the student body by promoting the common good in the principle of subsidiarity.

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