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Übersetzungen für overnight bag im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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overnight bag SUBST, overnighter

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I excused myself and frantically started packing an overnight bag.
But in many cases, throwing family parties means at least a few of your friends and relatives will arrive with an overnight bag in tow.
Beside him is a black overnight bag, presumably on the chance he would be sent straight to prison today.
Cash, an overnight bag and a child's car seat were in the vehicle.
The fabulous striped overnight bag, with rolled leather handles, leather piping and detachable shoulder strap, which has recently been reintroduced "due to popular demand".
All you need to do is grab your overnight bag, a map -- and your beloved -- and hop in the car.
Don't forget to pack an overnight bag for each member of the family for those few days in transition.
Research showing that hotel guests rarely unpack their overnight bag has resulted in space-hungry wardrobes being replaced by something called an "integrated bag-storage area" (really just small cubbyholes).
Or did they come with an overnight bag?
There's always a suitcase or an overnight bag.

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