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Übersetzungen für overshadowed im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

His 14 home runs were overshadowed by the large number of whiffs.
The subtle balance is able to stand out at the main entrance of the building and prevent it from being overshadowed by the clock tower.
The couple also had six daughters, who were overshadowed by the men they married.
The script, the story and the characters take the spotlight and the sets, though picturesque add to the plot instead of overshadowing it.
All the action that would appear to carry some sort of moral lesson is in fact overshadowed by the entertainment the novel warrants.
The concern was quickly overshadowed by the refusal of the first three riders to give urine samples for a drugs check.
Its name, meaning black river, comes from its dark colour in its upper course and the thick forest which originally overshadowed the narrow valley.
She brought new life and interest to a world in danger of being forgotten and overshadowed by the dominant society.
Some believed that the building would overshadow the museum's artworks.
His historical importance as bishop is overshadowed by his reputation for posthumous miracle-working.

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