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Übersetzungen für overstep im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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overstep <overstepped; overstepping> [ˌəʊvəˈstep] VERB trans

overstep one's authority

Beispielsätze für overstep

overstep one's authority

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

An onlap is a more general term than overstep, in which the younger beds overlap onto successively older beds.
He was later removed from his position for overstepping his limits and not being able to prove his claims.
We don't want to overstep the bounds of our authority.
As a judge he has been called slow in decision and fearful of overstepping the written word of a statute.
Many of these tracks have a narrow gauge (meaning left and right prints are placed closely together) and nearly overstep each other.
On the land, he pays no heed to property lines until he oversteps and is challenged.
The performances of jumping events for distance are measured from a board or marker, and any athlete overstepping this mark is judged to have fouled.
It is a more general term than overstep, in which the younger beds overlap onto successively older beds.
His personality bordered on hard-nosed, and he rebuked those around him when they overstepped the boundary of their own capabilities (or authority).
The scale discards color as being part of a color wheel and ignores musical/logarithmic perception so it can overstep the limits of human perception.

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