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Übersetzungen für pact im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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pact [pækt] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the series, the four enter a pact of revenge against the men who hit them and caused them to suffer.
He will receive $2.3 million in the first year of the pact, with raises bringing his salary to $2.9 million at the end of the contract.
The mark could be used as a proof to determine that the pact was made.
This pact would be ratified by the quadrilateral treaty of 1822.
The pact's basic goals were recovery of the lost territories and common fight until the time of a commonly agreed peace.
According to the pact, the parties did not compete against each another in any district.
She wants him to make the same pact with them, but he refuses.
He is a strong leader and cares for his pact.
This is a promise for all members of the pact to support each other to the death.
Under the pact, the network and the studio would develop projects tailor-made for the actress as well as approach her with existing pitches and scripts.

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