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Übersetzungen für painkiller im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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painkiller [ˈpeınˌkılə] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Oh, a painkiller like my parents have in their bathroom medicine chest.
The wigs were so heavy for the female cast need to keep some painkillers handy during the costume fitting.
Because these convulsions are extremely painful, an appropriate painkiller should be given.
Reportedly, he suffered a drug reaction to a painkiller he had taken for a toothache earlier that day, and suffered a heart attack.
Ginger is a natural painkiller and nutrients in brown sugar are said to tranquillise the nervous system and so also relieve pain.
She has required painkillers almost continuously since then.
Like many chronic pain patients, over the years he gradually developed a tolerance to the opioid painkillers he was using to alleviate his suffering.
Two of the tested ingredients, aspirin and amphetamine, consistently fell below the 90% threshold, as did one sample of the painkiller phenacetin.
The use of tetanus antitoxin and analgesics (painkillers) are necessary, and antibiotics are also commonly administered.
One such chemical is a painkiller 200 times as potent as morphine, called epibatidine; however, the therapeutic dose is very close to the fatal dose.

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