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Übersetzungen für pampered im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She is pampered by her brothers and is a little arrogant.
She was a plain, frail child with a forlornness of spirit, which affected her grandparents who pampered her with food and clothes.
Exfoliation, moisturising twice a day, a dollop of fake tan, dab of concealer, a brushing of bronzer and a set of eyelash curlers are all must-do's in his pampered world.
And just so you're pampered pooch or kitty doesn't feel left out of the festivities, there's a few choices to make their Chrimbo a special one.
Homer happily agrees, and is admired and pampered for it by his wife and kids.
This may be because she was pampered like a princess during her childhood.
Not surprisingly, his children grew up pampered, and his fortunes fizzled away.
She is pampered, but time takes its toll on her, mechanically and cosmetically; eventually, her owner trades her in.
She is pampered with material possessions and a nanny, but is estranged from her grandfather.
More than 30 sites, including a lovingly-constructed floral mill-wheel display and six barrel-loads of pampered perennials, had been hit.

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