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Übersetzungen für paraphernalia im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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paraphernalia [ˌpærəfəˈneılıə] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The search turned up no evidence of illegal drug paraphernalia.
This charge combined with other previous charges, which included possession of drug paraphernalia and public intoxication.
She was charged as a juvenile for the drugs and paraphernalia found in the search.
As part of the celebrations there will be an exposition of photos and sports paraphernalia related to the historic park.
Bone and antler were used in small tools but even more prominently in ornamental objects such as beads, combs, and worked animal-jaw gorgets or paraphernalia.
It involves various paraphernalia and utensils in various ceramic containers utilised to burn incense.
Many of the items were donated by photographers and inventors of the paraphernalia that supports photography.
The room is divided into two, while the inner one is where some paraphernalia of his office are kept.
I attempt, with an economy of means, to construct objects whose visual references range from lo-tech sci-fi paraphernalia to microbiological or astronomical models.
Paraphernalia generally falls into two categories including user-specific products and dealer-specific products.

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