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Übersetzungen für pedestrian mall im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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pedestrian mall, pedestrian precinct Brit SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The concept of a pedestrian mall originated in 1965 as part of a central city redevelopment study.
The plan called for an underground street system overlaid with mixed-use development, including a pedestrian mall, parking for 1,000 cars, and a bus terminal.
It features an attractive pedestrian mall of inlaid brick and well-designed seating areas.
It was replaced not with a slow road however but with a renovated pedestrian mall.
East of it is the business district and the main pedestrian mall.
It became a pedestrian mall as part of the heritage tram loop in 1995.
The street is not entirely roadway but is a pedestrian mall for a hundred metres near its centre.
This was done progressively from 1971 until 1979, when the whole street became a pedestrian mall.
In 1977, the street was closed to traffic and converted to a pedestrian mall in an attempt to revitalize the downtown area.
In the warmer months, the area is regularly closed to vehicular traffic to accommodate various festivals and events, turning the downtown core into a pedestrian mall.

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