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Übersetzungen für perturbed im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He was perturbed and humiliated but began plotting his revenge.
The mystic night visions leave the young man perturbed and intrigued, but also prod him to study and collect data on meta-physical aspect of life.
This ratio can be perturbed for reversible couples in the presence of a following chemical reaction, stripping wave, or nucleation event.
Much of the non-linearity stems from the equilibrium between two different forms of the dye which is perturbed by adding the protein.
He was perturbed that he never received another raise.
He was also perturbed by an increase in religious enthusiasm on campus, and with that a temperance movement, which he mildly protested.
These seeds can rapidly colonize disturbed soil such as that perturbed by fires, forest clearings, erosion, or abandoned agricultural land.
The rest of the band progressively became perturbed by his growing domination in musical as well as other group ventures.
Thereby, cells in culture can be perturbed in vitro and the induced effects recorded and analyzed.
They would probably be slightly perturbed to find a deadly sin as the stuff of soft furnishings and cuddly toys.

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