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Übersetzungen für phone booth im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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phone booth SUBST

Beispielsätze für phone booth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The operator then activates a phone booth for the customer with billing software.
Eventually a firefighter tries to break open the glass roof of the phone booth when the phone booth company appears.
The phone booth rang while the nominated melted their icecubes.
Tony has her call home in a phone booth.
The next day he tries again from a phone booth, and this time he gets through, and they meet briefly.
At some colleges as many as 25 students managed to cram some of their body into the standard phone booth.
Mike gives her the number for the phone booth across the street as his own after falsely warning her of a police car stationed outside.
He meets her at a phone booth, after which he jumps out and electrocutes the lead roller girl.
He exits the crowded freeway and attempts to contact his wife, but gives up due to the incredibly long line at a phone booth.
Eventually the truck stops next to another truck also carrying a man stuck in a phone booth.

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