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Übersetzungen für pictorial im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . pictorial [pıkˈtɔːrıəl] ADJ

II . pictorial [pıkˈtɔːrıəl] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

During these years he received several major commissions, and his workshop created pictorial and sculptural ensembles for a variety of religious institutions.
The book's 10 chapters contain a pictorial overview of the musician's professional work.
The magazine also attends many folk festivals throughout the summer months, and will often provide pictorial coverage of the events.
Exterior and interior walls, as well as the columns and piers, were covered with hieroglyphic and pictorial frescoes and carvings painted in brilliant colors.
Slick magazine paper began to be used for the better reproduction of photographs, while provocative pictorial covers were henceforth employed.
Studies investigating music and emotion in children primarily play a musical excerpt for children and have them look at pictorial expressions of faces.
The studio also had pictorial limitations, and couldn't replicate much more than simple room interiors (many scenes were staged in cramped corners).
Some pub signs are in the form of a pictorial pun or rebus.
Many of his portraits begin in an individual format, but many times the idealized figure degenerates and is presented in graphic rather than pictorial space.
He has kept expanses of open space on the pictorial surface of these paintings - which is a quality of the paintings.

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