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Übersetzungen für piggy im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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piggy [ˈpıgı] Kinderspr

piggy bank SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They decide to give her their piggy bank so that she can buy new shoes for herself.
Piggy-backing involves placing anonymous texts inside product packaging without the knowledge or approval of the manufacturer.
It's all about rondos piggy in the middle.
By 1955, an additional 25 railroads had begun some form of piggy-back trailer service.
Piggy-back truck service increased as direct railcar service declined.
The concept of reliance authentication makes use of pre-existing accounts, to piggy back further services upon those accounts, providing that the original source is reliable.
When the chosen piggy squeaks, the farmer has to guess the name of the player on whom he or she is sitting.
Neither the biplane nor the piggy bank from the 1998 vote are being considered this time.
If the farmer guesses correctly, that piggy is out of the game and the farmer becomes a piggy.
Piggy, in the mean time had been deposited beneath, and no sound disturbed the tranquillity of the scene.

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