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Übersetzungen für politeness im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

By doing so, she defended herself as well, and she did so with considerable skill and unfailing politeness.
However, he became very disappointed when adults would constantly praise his work out of politeness.
They can be an indicator of politeness, emphasis or irony.
Because politeness is informed by cultural values, there is substantial overlap between what is polite and what is civil.
Her diffident politeness does not endear her to her hosts and makes it easy for them not to integrate her into the family.
Thus, dialects can come to index certain perceived social attributes such as formality, politeness, friendliness, intelligence, snobbishness, and other traits.
All second-person pronouns are often capitalized for politeness, in letters etc.
It is right to discriminate between honesty and dishonesty, between politeness and impoliteness, between right and wrong.
Politeness implies formal social distance where speaking less formally implies closeness.
Children generally speak using plain informal speech, but they are expected to master politeness and honorifics by the end of their teenage years.

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