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Übersetzungen für poodle im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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poodle [ˈpuːdl] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Puppies in the same litter may differ in coat qualities and are hypoallergenic as both schnauzers and poodles are considered hypoallergenic.
Annoyed rather than flattered, the poodle starts barking.
Her fellow occupants were another woman, three poodles, a police dog, a chihuahua, and three dachshunds.
The mist somehow causes her to appear as a poodle to mortals.
So it is rumored that a terrier was crossed with the poodle to produce the ideal truffle hunter.
Fashionable adolescent girls wore poodle skirts and rolled down their socks to the ankle.
She is a tiny white poodle, with a squeaky voice with a slight raspy quality to it.
Poodle crossbreds (also called hybrids) are not recognized by any major breed registry, as crossbreds are not one breed of dog, but two.
It may suit families with dog allergies, if the puppy has inherited hair characteristics of its poodle parent.
The face is entirely smooth-coated and, unlike the poodle, should require little or no trimming to stay that way.

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