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Übersetzungen für postponed im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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postpone [pəʊstˈpəʊn; pəˈspəʊn] VERB trans

▶ postponement SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

However, the release was postponed and currently the release date is not known.
It was originally meant to be held in 1997, but was postponed numerous times due to organizational and logistical problems.
As a result, the museum indefinitely postponed skeletonization -- the process of separating flesh from bone -- as an incomplete skeleton was of little educational value.
Non-consultant hospital doctors have postponed a planned strike ballot over an accommodation allowance, following an invitation to talks.
The disunity of the three main movements postponed the handing over of power.
Their first hearing had to be postponed due to remarkable media interest.
Planned improvements were postponed with the onset of war in 1939.
The government postponed the renegotiation of public service fees indefinitely.
Fight date will be postponed with new date released very soon prob today.
If none of these criteria are met, surgery may be postponed pending simple observation with or without some form of eyeglass and/or patching therapy.

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