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Übersetzungen für power point im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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power point SUBST Brit

Beispielsätze für power point

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The demonstrations have been conducted through power point presentations, display charts and practicals.
When they patched him in, there was just a power point screen and his voice.
To maximise their efficiency, solar power plants also incorporate maximum power point trackers, either within the inverters or as separate units.
Although simple and low-cost to implement, the interruptions reduce array efficiency and do not ensure finding the actual maximum power point.
For example, accumulation of dust on photovoltaic panels reduces the maximum power point.
Maximum power point trackers act as an interface between the solar array and the battery, while motor controllers act as an interface between the battery and the electric motors.
The power point presentation, and a video of the presentation, are available online.
It gets rather raucous beyond 4000rpm and doesn't encourage aiming for the peak power point of 6000rpm for too long or too often.
A high pass amplifier stage will have only the lower half power point.
There are no built tricores, but towing tests of models show the possibility of sufficient advantage from a power point of view in defining band of the relative speeds.

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