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Übersetzungen für prayers im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für prayers

say [or give] one's prayers

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These prayers express humility and the communicants' sense of unworthiness for the gift they are about to receive.
First there were two books - one containing prayers and services, the other a hymn book.
Public penance consisted of acts of mortification such as wearing a hair shirt, covering the head with ashes, fasting and prayers.
A brimmed hat would interfere with the sajdah (act of prostration during prayers).
We ask everybody to send out thoughts and prayers of love and comfort.
The practice requires prayers and the drubchen mantra to be recited by practitioners for twenty-four hours a day throughout the period of the retreat.
Later on, smaller groups in the temple turn out to be used not only for prayers, but also as passwords for unlocking barriers.
Usually, prayers and supplications are part of such programs.
Group 3, which tested for possible psychosomatic effects, was informed they would receive prayers and subsequently did.
Whereunto are added prayers fit for housholders.

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