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Übersetzungen für preventive im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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preventive [prıˈventıv] ADJ

preventive detention SUBST

Beispielsätze für preventive

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Windows 98 did not offer real-time system file protection beyond file attributes; therefore, no preventive or reactive measure was available.
And it could be used with effect for putting across to the public the idea of preventive medicine.
Inevitably the despicable use of preventive detention replaces the constitutional guarantees of personal liberty.
A preventive mastectomy carries certain risks including those of anesthesia, bleeding, infection, pain, disfiguration, anxiety and disappointment.
Tick control is the main preventive measure against the disease.
It is also revealed that genistin has a strong bone loss preventive activity on experimental rats, and is especially enhaced by combination with fructooligosaccharides.
The physician should perform all diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive procedures with due exactitude and devoting the necessary time.
These include preventive medicines such as vaccines and microbicides, as well as treatments for otherwise neglected diseases.
The party platform included preventive health care, sustainable agriculture and renewable energy technologies.
This is why some agencies place the priority on preventive maintenance of roads in good condition, rather than reconstructing roads in poor condition.

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