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Übersetzungen für probe im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . probe [prəʊb] SUBST

1. probe MED:


2. probe AERO:


Beispielsätze für probe

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Pulsating energy and the specially developed probe help to prevent overexposure to ultrasonic waves and the subsequent side effects.
When the sound wave encounters a media interface, part of the sound wave is reflected back toward the probe.
Preparations for lithobraking involve protecting the probe with sufficient cushioning to withstand an impact with the surface and come to rest undamaged.
A hedge fund trader arrested this week as part of a probe into insider dealing has pledged to clear his name.
Just as swiftly, the probe implodes and crashes on the planet surface, but the remnants provide no clue as to its origin.
It is basically an ultrasound probe (acoustic vibrator) combined with an aspirator device (suction).
Probe tips are functionalized and substrates patterned with these molecules.
Other types use an electronic sensor in the probe, connected by a flexible heat-resistant cable to a display.
Because probes wear out, and because the auto-sensing circuitry is not compatible between different makes of oscilloscope, auto-sensing probe scaling is not foolproof.
Avalanche rescue equipment including radio transceiver, probe and shovel should be carried, and the ability to use them quickly and efficiently is required.

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