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Übersetzungen für pushchair im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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pushchair [ˈpʊʃtʃeə] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

When he is in his pushchair, he reads car number plates.
However, it does not have ramps for improved wheelchair or pushchair access.
Whatever you like to call them, prams, pushchair's or buggies, they are an essential item for your baby.
I went into labour two days later and as soon as that happened they went out and bought everything -- baby grows, a cot, a pushchair.
According to need, these sections can also serve as compartments for staff or for transporting bicycles, pushchairs, and oversize luggage.
He was in his pushchair when the first blast went off and died instantly.
This first video featured a baby in a pushchair, graffiti on the walls and pink trees without leaves.
New mums after a pram-style pushchair without the high price tag or bulky carrycot to store when they don't need it any more.
Great if you are looking for an alternative to a pushchair.
The pathway is suitable for bicycles, pushchairs, disabled scooters and walkers of all levels and is a bridalway.

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