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Übersetzungen für quail im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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quail1 <quail(s)> [kweıl] SUBST ORN

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The word for cat is a combination of two symbols: milk basin followed by a quail.
Stubble quail that live in arid areas can have very irregular breeding patterns that are more dependent on environmental conditions than day length.
According to legend, a group of men who went hunting on this mountain always returned home hungry, having caught only one quail between them.
That politicians often quailed under his gaze was no wonder, for the gaze was piercing.
All that submission and apparent content lasted but a few days, and they disappeared like young quails.
Barney chases the bird and hides behind a tree, to which the dog sneaks up behind him and draws the quail on his trouser seat.
Some species that may be observed in the countryside surrounding the village are buzzards, quail, and reed and sedge warblers.
The quail egg ravioli is considered the restaurant's signature dish.
Food on offer included roast quail coated with hazelnuts.
This species is the smallest true quail and is quite common in aviculture worldwide.

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