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Übersetzungen für radiograph im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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radiograph [ˈreıdıəʊgrɑːf] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These swellings were initially thought to be due to a copepod parasite, however radiographs and subsequent sectioning found them to be bony in nature.
On radiographs, it appears as a radiolucency (dark area) and is known for sometimes having small radiopacities (white areas) within it.
It is a type of pleural effusion in which the fluid collects in this particular space, but can be layered out with decubitus chest radiographs.
The current examination involves a timed classification of 125 radiographs.
In about 15-20% of cases the sialolith will not be sufficiently calcified to appear radiopaque on a radiograph, and therefore be difficult to detect.
On radiographs, the periodontal ligaments appear widened, and the cancer has a moth-eaten appearance.
Usually, however, sidebone is found accidentally when the foot is radiographed, as sidebone has few outward signs in most cases.
Careful history and assessment of the symptoms presented needs to be taken into account; radiographs and certain tests will be conducted in the dental office.
The source was used to radiograph welds and became separated from its shielded container.
A displaced clavicle is easily seen on a radiograph.

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