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Übersetzungen für rant im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This causes her to go into an explosive rant and then the curtain closes on her and the main part of the cartoon starts.
There, he pretends to examine her but subsequently asks about her project, to which she responds angrily, ranting about the setbacks in her work.
He is quick to pull the race card in any situation and has even starred in his own rants.
I think that the public is fed up with one politician simply ranting at another politician for the sake of it.
They too could post 100-line-long rants if they pleased.
Warren rants about his recent defeat and declares his intentions of revenge.
With his mental state beginning to deteriorate, he begins to rant, blaming the government as the cause of the zombies.
Many audience members claimed the film made them ill, others demanded their money back, while some just stumbled out of the cinema ranting its disgusting.
In the middle of her rant, he can't take it any longer and slaps her across the face.
The show revolves around reviews that involve acerbic rants about low quality video games, generally being 8-bit games and often featuring licensed characters.

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