Englisch » Chinesisch

re-create [ˌriːkrıˈeıt] VERB trans

recreate [ˈrekrıeıt] VERB trans, intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

While the game is set outdoors, players will be able to re-create warehouse-based courses if they desire.
The artificial ecology replaces the entropic state to re-create a natural landscape that fits a particular brand or aesthetic.
This treatment for eye disease uses stem cells to re-create a type of cell in the retina that supports the photoreceptor cells needed for vision.
However, in 2011 the area was sealed off, as they are implementing means to re-create the lake that was so special to the campground.
The underlying metal corrodes to re-create the oxide, and thus the metal loss continues.
His wardrobe at this point contains little that he did not create or re-create himself.
In trying to escape from an ordinary taken-for-granted-world, people of all periods have looked to far-away landscapes in order to re-create.
This causes the stream to re-create the original signal's pattern in the density of the electrons.
The lobby was remodeled to re-create art moderne and neo-baroque elements in the mid-eighties and in 1990, the building was deemed a heritage site.
The two circuits could be combined to re-create the former 10 km long circuit, with cars running parallel on the main straight.

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