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Übersetzungen für readers im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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reader [ˈriːdə] SUBST

1. reader:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This added about 1.3 million readers to the magazine's original circulation of 100,000, although the magazine promised its advertisers a base rate of 700,000.
It would be easy for readers of news coverage of the turnabout to get that impression.
We readers must guard against these new dexterities.
While listeners may object to those books with chapters read by multiple readers, others find this to be a non-issue or even a feature.
In 1882 the evening edition was canceled due to poor sales and an influx of morning edition readers.
An accomplished novelist can keep his readers' interest in a topsy-turvy story.
Screen readers and braille devices have fewer problems with tableless designs because they follow a logical structure.
Next she demonstrated the construction of the stitches by the creation of swatches that readers would make to practice.
Although meter readers in rural areas have to travel much, they are not provided any travelling allowance.
Her readers, on the other hand, note the lightheartedness of her writings and lectures, the profundity of her investigations and her own originality.

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