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Übersetzungen für relating im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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relate [rıˈleıt]

relating to

Beispielsätze für relating

relating to

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Both relate to the abundant natural resources of the territory.
Relate, a marriage guidance charity service, has been forced to give guidance and support to those who are still bickering because they voted for different sides.
These people are in need of something to fall back on and these biblical recordings helps them relate and continue their faith.
Another approach to proving the invariance of Morse homology is to relate it directly to singular homology.
A traditional narrative window has panels which relate a story.
Although most of these words are connected to naval activities, some (such as forlorn hope) relate to land warfare.
Those rules can relate to advance purchase requirements and other restrictions, to amenities that may be wrapped in or to negotiated prices for a specific corporate account.
These relate to the veterans' rights and their state of health, among other things.
It's hilarious stuff if your comedic bull's-eye resides in the nether regions, or if you're a goaltender who can relate.
But perhaps the most important scotobiological phenomena relate to the regular periodic alternation of light and darkness.

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