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Übersetzungen für relegated im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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relegate [ˈrelıgeıt] VERB trans

Beispielsätze für relegated

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The first team would not be able resolve their wage dispute with the club and the team ultimately went on a losing streak that saw them relegated.
He rightly warns that equality of provision and fair treatment should not be relegated to secondary or dispensable matters, by churches or by government.
They have relegated it to the shadowy spheres of mysticism, pantheism, and the occult, which have always been at odds with orthodoxy.
From this league, after initially achieving good results, the club was relegated again in 2008.
This effectively relegated the grand jury as a tool of the prosecutor.
Relegated in 1980, the club were promoted in 1981, before being relegated immediately, but then bouncing back up in 1983.
The winning boat in each heat advanced to the semifinals, while all others were relegated to the repechages.
Eight teams for each "girone" were relegated in order to restore the single table.
Cockles and lardons were once standard offerings, but mostly relegated to optional additions these days due to changing taste preferences and growing health concerns.
The role of the waiter or waitress in this case is relegated to removal of finished plates, and sometimes the ordering and refill of drinks.

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