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Übersetzungen für requests im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Generally, requests posted are of the type not easily answered on a general internet search engine and can be of either a personal or professional nature.
During the regular interaction between a client and a server, the only requests related to authentication are about the "host-based access method".
Fry requests a collect call, which the machine interprets as a slow and horrible death.
In both cases, the scheduler also serves a batch of requests following the chosen request in the sorted queue.
An annual or twice-yearly report on those requests going forward would probably be sufficient, she said.
The server accepts requests for graphical output (windows) and sends back user input (from keyboard, mouse, or touchscreen).
Many of these systems are more shore-based than vessel-based, with a vessel's chief engineer emailing maintenance or spare part requests to technical superintendents.
After three months, the investor requests the status of development.
To assemble these items, a player will need certain items that usually can only be obtained by sending requests to friends.
The number of such requests is therefore likely to be greater during such contingencies.

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