Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für riffle im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The males congregate in spawning grounds such as gravelly areas at the edges of lakes, shallow riffles or fast-flowing water.
Many were modernized with larger cabs, higher stacks, some fitted with large smoke lifters with horizontal riffles.
The knickpoint, where a head cut begins, can be as small as an overly-steep riffle zone or as a large as a waterfall.
The runnel running through the canyon is the most spectacular at the time of snowbreak with the small riffles and falls.
This fish can be found in riffles and shallow, fast-moving river water.
They move into smaller streams, where they spawn over gravel riffles upstream from quiet pools.
There were at least three riffles, with the third one downstream being the main one.
Matt goes downstairs and riffles through some papers until he stumbles upon a ransom note.
Its habitat is gravel and riffles in small to medium creeks.
Ideal spawning habitat was at the upper ends of riffles with sandy and gravelly bottoms interspersed with larger cobble.

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