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Übersetzungen für roars im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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III . roar [rɔː] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The album's aggressive, straightforward approach is largely riff-oriented with no guitar solos and frequent transitions from clean, apprehensive singing to throaty roars.
Male otariids have strong barks, growls, roars and whickers.
They are incapable of speech and can only communicate via groans and grunts and roars.
The male deer roars to keep his harem of females together.
He found that vocal cords in the larynx probably evolved multiple times among reptiles, including crocodilians, which are able to produce guttural roars.
After this period ends, the panther roars, in the process emitting a sweet smelling odor.
After all the loud roars of laughter, the forced sentimentalism imposed on the audience was awfully fake.
Hear the roars of those that can not stop burning in the firewater, becoming so purified.
The calls consist of grunts and repeated roars that can last for four to five seconds each.
Soon, there is an apparent earthquake with roars and screams that the group hears before managing to release themselves.

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