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Übersetzungen für rumbled im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Rumble paid him $100 and booked for three more shows beginning the start of his long career in the promotion.
Ventilation ducts, air conditioners and deadbolt housings rumble, hiss and roar.
The pitch desired is very deep, distinctly pitched rumble that sound like thunder or the rolling waves of the sea.
Rumbling sounds are made by the ram during courting; somewhat similar rumbling sounds may be made by the ewe, especially when with her neonate lambs.
But with bonus missions, multiplayer rumbles, and a very fun 2-player co-op mode... we can most definitely dig it.
On the other, just a few hundred metres away, a line of tower blocks forms a barrier and the rumble of city traffic comes up.
Other weighting curves are used in rumble measurement and flutter measurement to properly assess subjective effect.
Rumble also developed a collection of local wrestlers as unique or entertaining gimmick workers, referring to them as his personal whack pack.
His treatments of acoustic phenomena encased in digitally expanded bass rumbles have a dark ambient quality.
Smoke and rumbling sound effects occur when the ride moves up out of the volcano.

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