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Übersetzungen für scepticism im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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scepticism [ˈskeptısızəm] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

However, as mentioned in the introduction, biographical details such as these should be regarded with scepticism.
His scepticism about reducing political theory to history has also led to a similar scepticism about the claims made for identity in normative political theory.
Her reports of more calls and a visit from a mysterious stranger nobody else sees are met with scepticism by everybody.
Following initial scepticism and lively discussion in the medical literature, it is now recognised by many authors.
So memory scepticism could be applied with equal effect to ostensive definitions given in a public language.
He passed into complete religious scepticism, from which he sought rest in art.
In this work, he discusses the epistemological foundations of metaphysics, scepticism, and science.
The common trait of students with the scientific mind is a sense of balance between dogmatism and scepticism.
He raised scepticism about the effectiveness of large fiscal stimulus packages and criticised the resulting increase in public debt.
The latter was not always favourable, picking up on government scepticism about the project.

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