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Übersetzungen für scholarly im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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scholarly ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Known for his work in developing communication theory, he wrote seven books and over one hundred scholarly articles and chapters.
As a freelance journalist and essayist, his work appeared in magazines and periodicals both scholarly and commercial.
His scholarly work has been incorporated into the curriculum of universities and art schools throughout the world.
One particular topic of discussion was the sometimes difficult relationship between scholarly traditions in the social sciences and in the legal academy.
It contains topical research reports as well as basic theoretical articles concerning all areas of scholarly name research.
The existence and extent of this service ethic have been examined many times in scholarly literature.
Several decades of scholarly debate followed its publication.
Epidemic typhus is a strong candidate for the cause of this disease outbreak, supported by both medical and scholarly opinions.
The journal publishes scholarly articles, essays, and student notes.
Only eighty pages, the publication included three scholarly articles and reprints of several historical documents.

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