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Übersetzungen für screaming im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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III . scream [skriːm] SUBST

Beispielsätze für screaming

I couldn't help screaming.

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Gesticulating and screaming wildly, they forced us back onto the river and escorted us to a communal thatched hut in the centre of their village.
He runs screaming from any danger and refuses to drink potion.
Her rebuttal inspired a screaming standing ovation from that show's studio audience.
At these performances, there were allegedly screaming women, and the audience was sometimes limited to standing room only.
Stressy screams and heads down the stairs still screaming.
The child subjected to such an experience would be surrounded by deafening noises and screaming, whilst being subjected to intense g-forces and constant gyrations.
Looking up, he sees a caped figure screaming in agony with a large crucifix impaling him from the back.
Film footage taken at the concert shows many teenagers and women crying, screaming, and even fainting.
In terms of vocal style, earlier albums featured a softer approach with less screaming.
Staff were filmed handling monkeys roughly, screaming at them, and making them dance to blaring music.

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