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Übersetzungen für shipyard im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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shipyard [ˈʃıpjɑːd] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This floating shipyard turned seemingly hopeless battle wrecks into rejuvenated fighting ships again able to stand out gallantly in the final victorious months.
He began working as a plater at a local shipyard and soon became involved in defending workers' rights.
Closure of the naval shipyard, shipbuilding facilities and de-industrialization of the district in the 1970s and 1980s increased unemployment and local poverty levels.
The ship may not have lasted long in its commercial use, but the shipyard and site where it was launched have fared better.
While the shipyard and coal facilities, and other smaller harbor-oriented businesses have remained vibrant, the downtown area went into substantial decline.
She starts working at the shipyard as a welder, and finds out that she enjoys the work very much.
Halfway through the 16th century, five ropewalks, some ship's mast factories, and a few shipyards for the caulking and repairing of ships were established here.
An additional deep-water shipyard is used to build the 105 yacht and larger vessels.
The shipyard built 489 ships between 1849 and 1918.
All these new facilities would soon be utilized for supplying steel to his shipyard.

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