Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für shredded im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Chinesisch » Englisch)

II . shred <shredded or shred; shiredding> [ʃred] VERB trans

III . shred [ʃred] VERB intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A waste-paper basket was filled with shredded documents, apparently discarded by investigators.
The agency also shredded documents related to the terror cell.
Other institutions make loaves from scratch out of shredded and mashed vegetables, beans and starches.
With resources shredded by the early wickets, the hosts limped to their port like a round-the-world yacht under jury-rig.
A mix of salad leaves including red chicory, escarole (the frilly one), radicchio and lollo rossa, red onions (not cut thinly enough) and shredded carrot.
It has been found that asbestos can cause cancer when in friable form (that is, when likely to release fibers into the air - when broken, jagged, shredded, or scuffed).
Telephone poles in the area were snapped off at the base and splintered, and trees in the area were completely shredded and debarked.
The women are proficient in pottery and the making of abacha varieties - food items deriving from cooked cassava tubers shredded to sizes and types.
Shredded, long-fibered or live sphagnum moss is preferred as a soil substrate, often with added horticultural lava rock, perlite, and pumice.
Each piece of the rinds is placed on a cutting board and the zest is finely shredded after the white membrane are removed.

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