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Übersetzungen für silted im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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silt [sılt] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Newcomers and tourists are warned not to walk in this area because of extreme tidal changes and the very fine glacial silt.
The main function of this organ is thought to be to test incoming water for silt and possible food particles.
Conditions are generally best in spring before seasonal runoffs of glacial silt.
An example of re-cutting would be a roadside ditch being re-cut and emptied of silt and detritus as a form of maintenance.
However, with the decrease in silt reaching the sea, it has been reported to be shrinking slightly each year since 1996 through erosion.
Emerald darters prefer gravel substrates that lack silt.
No information is available on the impact the structure will have on flood flow patterns, river channels, silt deposition, or on fish and wildlife movements.
This can provide the fertile silt for farms along river.
Synthetic radioisotopes also can be detected in silt.
In the late 19th century, silting from a nearby rivulet that had partly submerged the mausoleum was drained and excavated.

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